16 June 2020 14:30-16:30 (Romania Time zone)
Living in the office and doing business in sustainable ways started to be in the past years, a major objective for companies and all the business stakeholders, even if sometimes, in the more declarative way. The deeper understanding of sustainability requires profound research, a lot of money involved, big data analysis and a joint of think-talks that only worldwide organizations possess. At simpler scale, a sustainable company is one whose purpose and actions are equally grounded in financial, environmental, and social concerns.
What is this year’s the corporate VALUE PROPOSITION for SUSTAINABILITY, LEADERS’ APPROACH and ACTUAL ACTIONS to meet the targets?
Conserving the resources became one of the main targets on the agenda of companies. Illumination, water, waste, paper, different supplies are subjects of this trend. Programs developed inside the companies, solutions to answer the environment-oriented targets, UE compliances and fiscal incentives.
Look for energy efficient electronic products and use environmentally friendly settings on office equipment. Supply selection, acquisition policies in place, reaching emission reduction
Development of sustainability policies and procedures to back up the efforts and enable the necessary frame in attaining the objectives
People on board in the attempt of reaching the efficiency targets. Investment in trainings, enabling programs at the level of all companies with engagement of employees, sharing resources and knowledge exchange.
The main differentiator of people within the entire living landscape is the creativity. New times require new ideas and people are able to build something new and innovative on the old premises. This section is dedicated to sharing stories and best practices.
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